11 juni 2013

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Opposites attract

Opposites attract....that's the new challenge at Meljen's Designs and I also believe there's a lot of truth in that :) - how about you ??

I've made.....oh yes.....another birthday card, cause that's the kind of cards I need the most in my collection. I really had so much fun today, while creating the card. I recently bought a book about cutting patterns in (origami) or other folding paper. I remember having done this in my childhood years as well, cutting folded paper with 'random' patterns at that time ;-). It is really so cool to do this again and it makes for cute elements that can be used on cards (think of leaves, flowers, borders, and so on) !!

I used a few of those elements on my current card and used the digi called 'cup of sunshine' - I really think this one is gonna be one of my favorites to use on cards !! I colored it with some of my copics and added some pearls to add a little bit of 'bling' to the card.

I used the opposite colors Red & Green of the color wheel :

Below is the book I was talking about, which holds hundreds of beautiful cutting patterns that can be used for many different purposes (home decoration, birthday & other parties, all kinds of craft projects, ..). The original title of the book is "Lady Boutique Series No. 3346" and the author is Akiko Murooka. Maybe it can inspire some of you for future craft projects ?

Have a wonderful day and happy crafting !

hugs xxx

Other challenges :

AnMaCreatief challenge 21 - birthday card

10 juni 2013

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KIC - challenge 9

Eerst en vooral wil ik Diana (van Just a Note) van harte welkom heten op mijn blog, ik hoop dat ik je hier af en toe wat leuks zal kunnen laten zien :).

Afgelopen week heb ik voor de allereerste keer enkele kaartjes gemaakt als gastdesigner (KIC blog - challenge 9). De bedoeling was om een kaart (of iets anders) te maken met hoofdzakelijk de kleuren blauw en bruin. Dat was voor mij ongelooflijk spannend en ik voelde me eerlijk gezegd wel behoorlijk onzeker. Eigenlijk was één kaartje meer dan voldoende, maar aangezien ik van geen enkele creatie zelf echt overtuigd was, heb ik er maar 3 verschillende opgestuurd...Dit zijn ze uiteindelijk geworden. Ben wel es benieuwd wat jullie er van vinden eigenlijk :)

Groetjes en tot een volgend berichtje,

05 juni 2013

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Meljen's Design Challenge # 162 : Color Challenge

Hello fellow bloggers :),

So...I think I only have a few hours left to participate in the current challenge at Meljen's Design Blog and here's the card I made for that occasion. So I'm gonna keep my text rather short this time around ;-).

I've decided to make another Birthday card, this time with the cute "Fancy Gift Box" digi that I bought in her shop a few days ago :). I like to make cards based on color combo's and/or sketches.

I hope the colors used for my card match the colors of the picture below well enough ;-)

Wishing all of you a great week with lots of sunshine !!!
hugs xxx

meljen's design card

This was the picture and the color samples we were supposed to use for the card :)

bye bye for now,

Opposites attract

Opposites attract....that's the new challenge at Meljen's Designs and I also believe there's a lot of truth in that :) - how about you ??

I've made.....oh yes.....another birthday card, cause that's the kind of cards I need the most in my collection. I really had so much fun today, while creating the card. I recently bought a book about cutting patterns in (origami) or other folding paper. I remember having done this in my childhood years as well, cutting folded paper with 'random' patterns at that time ;-). It is really so cool to do this again and it makes for cute elements that can be used on cards (think of leaves, flowers, borders, and so on) !!

I used a few of those elements on my current card and used the digi called 'cup of sunshine' - I really think this one is gonna be one of my favorites to use on cards !! I colored it with some of my copics and added some pearls to add a little bit of 'bling' to the card.

I used the opposite colors Red & Green of the color wheel :

Below is the book I was talking about, which holds hundreds of beautiful cutting patterns that can be used for many different purposes (home decoration, birthday & other parties, all kinds of craft projects, ..). The original title of the book is "Lady Boutique Series No. 3346" and the author is Akiko Murooka. Maybe it can inspire some of you for future craft projects ?

Have a wonderful day and happy crafting !

hugs xxx

Other challenges :

AnMaCreatief challenge 21 - birthday card

KIC - challenge 9

Eerst en vooral wil ik Diana (van Just a Note) van harte welkom heten op mijn blog, ik hoop dat ik je hier af en toe wat leuks zal kunnen laten zien :).

Afgelopen week heb ik voor de allereerste keer enkele kaartjes gemaakt als gastdesigner (KIC blog - challenge 9). De bedoeling was om een kaart (of iets anders) te maken met hoofdzakelijk de kleuren blauw en bruin. Dat was voor mij ongelooflijk spannend en ik voelde me eerlijk gezegd wel behoorlijk onzeker. Eigenlijk was één kaartje meer dan voldoende, maar aangezien ik van geen enkele creatie zelf echt overtuigd was, heb ik er maar 3 verschillende opgestuurd...Dit zijn ze uiteindelijk geworden. Ben wel es benieuwd wat jullie er van vinden eigenlijk :)

Groetjes en tot een volgend berichtje,

Meljen's Design Challenge # 162 : Color Challenge

Hello fellow bloggers :),

So...I think I only have a few hours left to participate in the current challenge at Meljen's Design Blog and here's the card I made for that occasion. So I'm gonna keep my text rather short this time around ;-).

I've decided to make another Birthday card, this time with the cute "Fancy Gift Box" digi that I bought in her shop a few days ago :). I like to make cards based on color combo's and/or sketches.

I hope the colors used for my card match the colors of the picture below well enough ;-)

Wishing all of you a great week with lots of sunshine !!!
hugs xxx

meljen's design card

This was the picture and the color samples we were supposed to use for the card :)

bye bye for now,

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envye blogger theme